This movie is based on the iconic need for Speed video game franchise, but it is not nearly as exciting. It is about a guy who is blamed for the killing of one of his friends, and he is trying to prove his innocence. The cast acted really well, and the soundtrack selection was decent, but other than that there was not much to the movie. The plot line wasnt anything great, it was pretty mainstream. The crash physics were all thrown out of the window for a movie that is supposed to be realistic.
The car selection was not bad, but other than the Lamborghini Sesto elemento, all the other cars looked fake. Obviously, they were all kit cars in reality but they looked very artificial, like they were supposed to be kit cars within the movie. This movie is worth watching just once, to get a feel of what its all about. Cant say I was satisfied when it ended. This movie ought to have been branded fast and the furious, not need for Speed.