Do you remember the commercial of this product? Yes one in which a girl is licking her lips layered with creamy foam of cappuccino. The tag line goes ‘lick… sip... hmm’. It will surely make you visualize immediately. I too felt in same way and I did buy the Ness Café Cappuccino sachet very next day. I was excited. Soon I found myself following the steps on the sachet. When I actually emptied the sachet in the boiling water first word which I uttered definitely wasn’t a praising word. I was shocked as there was no foam… no bubbles which I was dreaming of.
But I did not loose my hope and picked up the hot mug of coffee and touched to my lips and then sipped and very next moment all my dreams were shattered. No foam… no taste… even not that yummy kind of feeling. Is this really a product which I saw in that commercial? I was flabbergasted and was in a confused state of mind. I did make courage to pour that entire pot of coffee into the trash. Well the other three sachets lying on my kitchen platform had become burdens on me. With a sigh I sat down on the living room floor and switch on the TV and for my amusement the same commercial was going on... ‘Lick… sip… hmmmm’ and I shouted give me a break!!!! Just give this coffee a try if you have guts!