The beginnings of Nescafé can be traced all the way back to 1930, when the Brazilian government first approached NESTLÉ. Our coffee guru, Max Morgenthaler and his team, set out immediately to find a way of producing a quality cup of coffee that could be made simply by adding water, yet would retain the coffees natural flavour. After seven long years of research in our Swiss laboratories, he found the answer
According to the U.S. National Parkinson Foundation, studies show that caffeine protects against Parkinson Disease. Thus, if you drink several cups of coffee a day, and have been doing so for many years, you are 30% less likely to develop Parkinson
According to handed-down tales, the invigorating qualities of coffee, beans were first observed by an astute shepherd in eastern Ethiopia. He noticed that his sheep munching on the
berries of certain shrubs were more playful, energetic and agitated. Eventually, he tasted some of berries and felt an euphoria never experienced before. Thus was coffee born!
The move by Nestle India to reduce the price of its flagship coffee brand, Nescafe, by 15 per cent, and to introduce special low-priced packs, is seen as an effort to increase focus on the domestic market and enlarge the brand’s consumer base. Price and affordability are critical factors to a large segment of coffee consumers in India. Alongwith the price cut, the company has also launched a new ad campaign.
Nestles Nescafe dominates the premium segment of the coffee market. Its other coffee brands are ‘Sunrise Premium’ and ‘Sunrise Extra.’ Exports contribute 23 per cent to the company’s turnover. Nestle is the second largest coffee exporter in the country. Instant coffee export markets are Russia, Hungary, Poland and Taiwan. The company also exports instant coffee to USA and japan The new product was named Nescafé - a combination of NESTLÉ and café
I firmly believe that coffee in a can is a gimmick, No, this wasn’t an impulse buy. I had actively searched this out for 3 reasons: it’s freezing watching football, coffee in a thermos is vile and West Ham’s beverage providers have a unique perspective on delivery: battle through mass of seemingly gigantic men clutching lagers, wait forever to get a cup of Kenco Instant for £1.10, navigate way back to seat through said heaving throng who are determinedly ignoring frantic attempts of short, dumpy woman to get pass whilst clutching remnants of coffee in badly scalded mitt and miss the opening ten minutes of a game. It’s A Knockout couldn’t have come up with a better game, you can almost hear Stuart Hall having a coronary through laughter!
First thing that struck co-tester was that it wasn’t hot, or even very warm. In fact tepid would have been a generous way to describe the initial temperature. Whilst this discussion was taking place and I was debating not even bothering with the second can, we noticed that the can was still getting hotter and so was the coffee. Five minutes after opening the can, the coffee was now hot enough to drink. Co-testers verdict was that it certainly beat thermos coffee, tasted like decent coffee if a bit weak but was quite bitter (this was the Without Sugar option) but smelt just like normal instant coffee.
I always start my day with coffee and with nescafe that why I know every thing about it .