Was very surprised to see and read such type of comments by someone who is not happy with Ness Technologies.
It is a well known fact that not everyone will be happy in any organization and also not everyone can be happy under a particular manager / lead whos managing a big team. I have worked with Ness in the past and to the best of my knowledge, most of the managers here are hard working and I was completely satisfied with the Technical Knowledge they possess and also the way they try to groom their juniors. I have learnt a Lot from them and thats one of the reasons that I am successfully leading a big team and projects in one of the mncs now. Although I am not in touch with them but I am sure the opinion expressed here is purely unprofessional and un called for.
As far as Ness is concerned, I have some of my Lady Colleagues there working from past 5 + years and don’t have any plans to leave the company in the near future. This itself shows that working with Ness is Safe and there are enough opportunities inside to Learn, Grow and Succeed.
In my opinion, first of all we should try to find the errors within ourselves and try to rectify those. If there are differences in our opinion with some one then there are professional ways to handle and certainly not the one that the lady here has adopted. I really differ to whatever she has mentioned.
Manoj Iyer