Now in service industry, what do you do when you are at are supposed to listen, acknowledge the mistakes and get the issues sorted to regain customer trust. But no, at Nestaway we do things differently. We shift blame accross departments, we lie to customers face, and take as long as possible to fix issues without having an iota of humanity and understanding. Alteast, that is what I could make sense of the horrible interactions.
After shifting on 16th May, the conditions are more or less the same on 19th May, but I guess the team at Gurgaon cant be bothered. With a pleasurable experience I would have had recommended a few people even without the monetary benefit, but now I intend to discourage anyone and everyone from opting a Nestaway home. This is a single instance, but I am sure with such levels of incompetence there are bound to be many. I dont know what kind of response this will get, but word of advice, if you want to survive in the market, mend your ways.