A refreshing drink that retains the tea flavor mixed with a citrus tang. Perfect on a hot day when you want something sweet but not overly.
Nestea is a brand of iced tea manufactured by Nestle and distributed by Nestle companys beverage department in the United States. Its a joint venture between The Coca-Cola Company and Nestle, in the rest of the world. It competes with Unilever/Pepsis Lipton Iced Tea. It provides a variety of "tea products", in regular and diet forms, including liquid and powdered tea concentrates, refrigeratable teas, and ready-to-drink bottles dispensed by vendor or vending machine. The beverage comes in several flavors, depending on the country.
This Iced tea has a sweet taste but not overly sweet. The flavours bring out the sweetness without tasting of sugar. The taste is a great balance between the tart of the citrus and the sweet. It is a great refreshing drink on a hot summers day. It is available in a range of sizes from slimline can, bottle for on the go, family bottle and also in sachets to mix at home.
Not available in diet range for those that are health conscious. Bottles can get expensive.