Kit Kat holds a big place in my childhood memories.We would save up to buy a bar of kit kat and that would be our treat.
this chocolate have a good quality and has a good amount of flavor without being too rich or overwhelming. Have separate fingers chocolate is ideal for sharing or if you want to save some for later.
It is available in a variety of convenient sizes and packages of fun. Generally, the Kit Kat Nestle original, is a good quality chocolate snack and a tasty treat.
It is a great product that I recommend to anyone. I do not think its too sweet wafer cookie makes it easy for young children and people with sensitive teeth to eat.
Overall, I would say this is a good product for anyone who needs quick treatment, though not quite the tastiest chocolate there.
It has a decent price, however. I think this is better as an individual treatment instead of a gift because of the shape and size of the wafers.