I had some experience about
Nestle kitkat plz read care fully
Nestle KitKat is a very old wayfer chocolate. it is popular in market.Nestle KitKat is a totally harmfull .and harms on your health.
I am addict with Nestle KitKat. After one month continue eathing this. I have some skin alergies. and face is also full fill with acnes or pimples.It is not pure form of chocolate Nestle KitKat is a type of chocho wayfer.it have some harmfull and nonveg ingredients. all packed food which contain following list of E-CODES are conatins animal fat.
If any of the ingredients listed below is found, try to avoid it, as it may contain PIG FAT; it is totally bad for health.if you love your body .dont eat.Nestle KitKat. when if you love only teste. you can eat. I say to you totally avoid Nestle KitKat. thank you.