Am hosting a few domains with Net4India, but have had problems from day 1.They billed me for the 3 domains I tried, though they only registered 2 of them. Then tried to get a refund for the failed domain regn but their customer service never replied to the emails. When I made a phone call, a gentle techie candidly told me that generating a query from My Helpdesk" on the site was my only hope for a reply. Did that once but they got back asking for some bureacratic purchase code.
Tried following up with some more information I had, but its been over a couple of months now and I have not even been able to submit the query. After entering all the information on the form, I get a reply saying "Database is currently not available due to some unspecified reasons. Please try again." If these monkeys cannot keep their own database up and running, what hope do customers have?
Their Credit card payment service through ICICI also sucks big time, and I have never been able to make a payment through that mode.
One can understand that the business is such that they have to automate most of the processes, but while international guys seem to manage it easily, Net4Domains operations and service seems to be hurtling downwards in a bottomless pit.