You will be shocked to read the below:
I have been a partner with net4 for more than 7 years now. And I truly admin that this is the most unethical company in the world. They send direct marketing mailers to my end customers trying to snatch them away from me. They have lost 2 domains I booked through them and when I ask them the reason, they are not sure where the domain is. In one case, they say that I am lying at the customer does not belong to me. He belongs to some other partner in kolkatta, what big morons.
I have lost huge business because of these idiots and their support team should learn basic english first, specially their agents named manish and saurabh should be sent to chool first and then to learn basic customer service. As they simply disconnect ur calls or keep you on hold for like 30 mins. They claim to have their boss named anamika who is so bloody scared to con me on the phone.
I am also writing a complaint to nixi and other bodies as such since I have lost more than 20 clients because of this stupid company.
Dont ever think of dealing with them as you will loose your business.