Did Natiji Sunhas ch Bose really die in an air crash in Taihoku( Taipei, Taiwan) on 18 Aug 1945? This question in has been haunting me ever since I reed about him in my historu text books.No amount of realy has been able tobanswer this question well enouhgh to satiate my curiosity over the years .I have gathered a lot of material on him, more out of vuriousily rathe then emything else.Till thebtime I laid my hands on this book.I neve4 knowbwhat all was missing in my so called research.The author Kingshuk Nag shook.He writing is so strong & backed with research that u cannot help but belive in all thatf has been written. There was not an ioya of doubt that was left in mu mind as to what helppened to N3taji subhash ch Basu.I would not want to reveal the details nad spoil that thrill of reading this book.This is know as our of the biggest mystery that haunts our countru. Since its independence what toucjed me the moust was the way Netajis wife & daughter said When neve we tell we are related to him rather that the people can back with oh isnt he the a guy who died my steriouslu? . For all that has done for the country his dead deserves talk like this about him.For the sake of it all et: s bring this matter to an end.