When talking with people on the Internet, treat them the same as you would if you were meeting them in person.
You would not say glad2meetu in person, You would say Glad to meet you. So many shorten everything and it makes for impolite conversation in my book.
Use proper grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. Most e-mail services provide a spell checker. Basically when talking to some one on the Internet you are typing although there are programs that allow you to speak out loud. In this case try to speak clearly and avoid a lot of slang especially if you are talking with some one in a different country.
Yes we all know there are all these computer slang words and they are fine if you know the person well and talk to them all the time and they know what they stand for.
Even using proper language you may offend some one unintentionally unless you phrase things very carefully as they could be taken wrong.
Do not send people files unless they ask you to. Many are cautious about this and rightly so with all the viruses out there, so dont put them in a position of having to decide whether to open something or not. As a rule I do not open anything with an attachment. If I want to send a picture to some one I make sure it is in the body of the e-mail also so that they do not have to open an attachment.
Just be considerate of the other person and be polite. It will be much appreciated.
NOTE: Is anyone receiving alerts? I am still searching all over to try to find reviews to read as I havent gotten any in two days and I dont see where it says there are any systems problems. Please leave a comment if you are receiving alerts.