May 20, 2001
I wasnt sure where to put this, but I thought that good manners (netiquette) would come as close as anything.
This is just to let you know whats going on with me so that you wont get worried and/or believe that Im ignoring you.
Everyone has been so very nice here, so I wouldnt want you to think for a minute that Im mad at anyone--and I also want you to know that, when it comes to writing for this site, Im afraid youre going to be stuck with me, because I love this place and everyone who makes it so special.
However, Im needing some time away from the Internet in order to organize my life a little better so I can be giving quality time more often in the things I do.
If you want to find out more about that, go to WrittenByMe and read my article called Journey Into AJs Brain (Part One). There are also some other articles on the same subject at both there and you-know-where dot-com, but I obviously dont have time to list them all.
In a little over an hour, Ill be shutting off my e-mail and will seldom, if ever, have it turned on for the next two weeks.
If you want to keep track of me, I WILL be changing my imood from time to time (not often, unless Im online for something else) and making entries in my online diary (mentioned in my last article).
Will also be on and posting a limited amount of new articles.
Will try to catch up with everybody in a couple of weeks. Take care of each other, and keep this board sweet and friendly!
Love & God Bless!
Ainsley Jo =)