Obviously a awesome online medicine shop it is.
Some features you never will get easily in other site like post your pescription and get those medicine infront of you and easily buy by providing address.
It provides various less offers of buying products which is another feature here.
This site bring the entire medicine world in our home infront of us with easy understanding and dercriptive contents.
It gives us the ultimate opportunity to decide desease wise particular medicines from various lists.
Just extreme it is.
Site and app operations loading and searching time is too less and faster here.
Information depth about medicines properties and utilization is too descriptive as we all know who all of us uses this.
Talking about another features which is more and more affective and profitable to all of us and that is the refer and earn according to that.
It is one of another good side of this online medicine shop site and really a profitable functions here.
Personally I always visit this site for this purpose mainly.
It is a versatile site cum app regarding medicine world with a extreme representation of medicines and the excellent interface of app and website too.
Really I am appreciating the total work of the developers of this site and maker of the app.
But one thing that it could be more better if there more various kinds of medicines varieties in the store with other more various deseases. Just for this one negativeness I am giving four star to it.
Thank You.