Those of you who have Gator must have heard of NetSonic or vice versa. I have just one word for it, DONT. Netsonic tells you that it accelerates your web experience yeah but at the cost of what, Novelty?
I’ll give you an idea how it operates. Whenever you visit a webpage Netsonic copies it and adds it to it’s cache. So the next time you go there it can produce the webpage faster. Actually what it does is that it produces the same page again. So suppose the first time you visit Mouthshut after installing NetSonic, vinayjs is the featured reviewer on the site. Thereafter every time you come to that page vinayjs will only be the featured reviewer. How horrible is that? I mean even I get bored after seeing my face for a long time.
It does not check for a newer version of the page. So if you run Netsonic you can very well view the same pages offline too. You will not be able to log into your account though. Initially I liked it, which was my homepage then it used to appear the very moment I pressed Enter. But after one month of usage I found the following unforgivable faults.
1) Pop ups, newer ads and newer offers coming your way. They attempt to sell products that you have never heard of. Gator is hand in glove in this operation. It constantly begs at you to buy it every time you start.
2) They provide information to third party advertisers. That means more SPAM in your mailbox.
3) Try opening multiple pages in IE. I used to do that a lot. I write most of my reviews offline and then open all the pages of the products I have written about and then do copy paste. What will happen is that your PC might hang leaving you with no option but to restart.
4) Open your Netsonic folder after sometime and check out the properties of the cache folder. All your webpages are stored here so the size is too much. When I opened my cache one day, it was a whopping 65 MB which is too much if you have 4 GB and never intend to visit a particular website again. But there is an option where by you can disable it for particular websites. But you should not be able to remember that everytime now, should you?
After uninstalling this software I have experienced lesser Spam, greater refresh page speed, no hangs and better space usage. I would not recommend it. My review is strictly for the shareware version. It is not worth it. I would recommend this only to my enemies. I am still removing my yahoo address from so many ad lists because of these people. Wise people learn from a fools mistake. You can learn from me. our privacy is at risk.