Acne is the only skin problem, in fact the only beauty problem that has bothered me from my teenage years. I have never given a damn about fairness, or other stuff but when it comes to acne, I have always been on the search to find a product that meets my requirements. Proactiv made me quite happy; clearing most acne within a month and giving me a perfect clear face by the fourth month or so but the price of 4000 was a bit too much. Even when the price came down to 2600, I was still baffled about spending so much for my skin. I continued to buy it but was on the lookout for a more affordable yet effective product.
I have always been a fan of Neutrogena from the day I had used their Acne cleanser but had to discontinue the use as the brand has been discontinued in UAE for the last two years. However I came across Neutrogena advanced solutions kit and found out that even when it’s shipped into UAE from US, it costs much less than the Proactiv counterpart. So I decided to go for it since I believed in the brand. I could easily buy two kits of Neutrogena for the price of one proactive kit.
The Product Overview:
Comes in a pack of three.
1)The cleanser: Creamy textured, slightly coarse with salicylic acid claims to clean your skin. Exfoliate it, unclog the pores and polish the skin to give a smoother look.
2)The lotion or the medical part of the kit: Thick lotion that is to be applied on your skin and has benzyl peroxide (2.5) in it which treats the acne and stops from recurring.
3)Sunscreen teamed up with moisturizer: Lotion that provides protection from sun as well as the dryness that is associated with acne treatments. It claims to improve the skin tone and texture and is oil free and acne prone skin friendly.
The claims: (& the facts)
1) Kills acne causing bacteria in 2 days
Truth: I don’t know how I can evaluate this claim… so hopefully it does.
2) Clears Black heads in four days
Truth: It did, my black heads were reduced; not a dramatic change though
3) Reduces redness and inflammation in 4 to 7 days
Truth: The pimples were still there, and redness and inflammation was not ready to go any time soon... I think they failed with this claim.
4) Improves skin texture in 4 – 7 days
It did, although the pimples were not gone, the white heads were comparatively reduced and the skin looked smoother and there was a glow about.
5) Reduces whole face breakouts seven days
Hmmm…. Sorry to disappoint you but it did not. The pimples did not go away in fact I had more painful ones and even more stubborn ones. I preferred to believe that Neutrogena works by clearing off the pimples by taking them out while proactive by suppressing them.
6) Works faster and much more effective than Proactiv
Not a bit of truth in it. Proactiv cleared my skin in two weeks as Neutrogena took more than that and has never really cleared my skin to a point of satisfaction.
Proactiv versus Neutrogena
Proactiv used benzyl peroxide in both the cleanser and repair which can act more effectively while Neutrogena prefers salicylic acid in cleanser which I am not really satisfied about.
The Repair lotion of Proactiv is easy to apply and takes only a dollop while Neutrogena’s lotion is really thick and needs to be rubbed on. It needs a higher amount of lotion to work too. The Proactiv lotion blends on like water on skin.
Both the lotions dry out skin but the moisturizer Neutrogena(dries out to the point that your skin feels as if it would break) provides really help. In fact Benzyl peroxide is sun sensitive. Sun exposure after the application without sunscreen should be strongly avoided. With Proactiv, you have to spend extra money for sunscreen and moisturizer while Neutrogena provides all that you need. With Proactiv comes a toner which I am not sure of. I wonder sometimes whether it still has any use other than to rob our money for the green liquid.
Proactiv acts faster than Neutrogena (within weeks and never causes any breakouts) but Neutrogena takes time. My skin used to have acne like grains of sand all over. Proactiv cured it completely but Neutrogena seems to fail here.
Black heads and white heads completely removed and skin texture improved with Neutrogena while proactive does nothing against black heads.
Neutrogena dries out the skin too much while Proactiv is fine. Without moisturization Neutrogena could be irritating. I have never had the need to use moisturizer when using Proactiv. But then again mine was oily skin. If my skin dries out so much with Neutrogena, I guess people with dry skin should give a second thought before using this or moisturize really good. You don’t want to clear up your acne and end up with wrinkles…Do you?
Proactiv is expensive
Verdict: Neutrogena advanced acne solutions is a nice product. Just done expect it to work wonders. You will have to use it twice every day until you skin is cleared and beyond so that you can maintain it. It’s something like exercise...if you want to maintain your weight, you have to exercise… if you have to maintain your skin, use the product always. I have heard complaints about skin getting addicted to acne products. Dermatologists agree that nothing can cure acne. You can just prevent it which means a good skin routine for your life time. Take care and have great skin!!