Ive been using this product for over two years, and when I was initially exposed to it, I was in love with. But having since experienced other products as well, it has had a bit of a falling from grace as my favorite. Ive chosen to use other products as of now, but that certainly doesnt make this a bad product at all. I primarily use this for body coverage now, whereas I once used it on my face too.
It has a very typical sunscreen scent, and while some may enjoy that, others may be fairly off put by it. It dissipates shortly after application, but if you are applying this to your face, youll have to deal with the scent longer than if you were just applying it to your body.
It dries down very nicely, but it terms of absorption, it can leave a bit of a film on your skin. Granted, if you dont disturb this film by say, rubbing your arms frequently, or something of the likes, it isnt a problem.
Because of the high SPF, you can go longer without reapplication. But, for safetys sake, try at least to reapply every hour if you can if youre partaking in any sports or swimming. For just normal wear, every two hours is a fairly reasonable goal.
I have yet to be sunburned whilst wearing this product, and for being nearly albino, this is definitely a huge plus.
Ease of Application
Applies just as any other cream sunblock, which is typically the best type of sunblock you can use.