“Never Been Kissed” - PG-13
Everyone remembers High School. No matter what “group” you were in we all remember the “cool” kids, the nerds and the stoners (the ones who hung out in the smoking lounge!). What if you could go back now as an adult? This is what Josie Geller (Drew Barrymore) did.
Josie Geller works for a newspaper and is waiting for her big break. So when she has this idea to go back to High School undercover, her bosses eat it up.
She is thrown back into school, where she remembers why she hated it so much the first time around. In the 80’s the kids at school nicknamed her “Josie Grossy.” She has a hard time fitting in this time too. Her brother, Rob (David Arquette), decides to go back also to help her. The movie is very funny in it’s flashes to Josie in the 80’s. It also makes you feel bad for her and you want the underdog to come out on top.
Molly Shannon (from Saturday Night Live) plays Josie’s friend at the newspaper, Anita. Her boss is played by John C. Rielly and the head of the newspaper is played by Garry Marshall. Leelee Sobieski is a nerdy student at the school and Josie’s good-looking teacher is played by Michael Vartan.
Drew Barrymore did an excellent job as the ‘return to school’ girl. You actually felt bad for her because she wanted so desperately to fit in the second time around. Michael Vartan was wonderful! This movie opened up some major Hollywood doors for him. He can now been seen on the new TV show on ABC “Alias.”
The movie is a comedy, but it also has its poignant moments. I don’t think I need to say more than this: every time “Never Been Kissed” is on cable now, I watch it again. I loved this movie!
©2001 KAC
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