New Delhi. The city is fascinating, troubling and exhausting all at the same time. ~postcard with a picture of the Taj Mahal from a friend who seems to travel a lot lately and was very sweet to send me a postcard
I was just about to review Eyewitness Travel Guides: India when a postcard arrived. In a few minutes I had located New Delhi on a map on page 71. Ive been fascinated with India since I was very young. My father used to travel to India and bring us back little trinkets and fans and tell us fascinating stories about rickshaws, exotic breads and curry. Later we moved to Africa and learned to make curry and other fascinating foods. My Indian friends taught me how to make Chai tea and even Biryani/Bryani.
This book doesnt have any recipes, but it will give you an overview of the foods you could expect to find while traveling. I highly recommend Tandoori anything. Naan and mint chutney are also a favorite. I also found this book useful while watching the Apu Trilogy. You can look up information about various cities and see where they are located.