I was going through the reviews posted here about the school. As a parent I have a slightly varying opinion. I respect the concerns raised by some of the parents here but my personal experiences with the school and its staff have been quiet different. any issues I faced I have always felt they are approachable and have always been patient enough to deal with it.
The headmistress is a very nice person and once I had to personally meet her regarding my daughters performance she was polite and also discussed matters with the concerned teachers and together resolved issues. If parents have issues I think they can always approach the teachers and headmistress and get things clarified. My daughter is also very happy to go to school. Every coin has two sides.
The annual day put up by the pre-primary children was a grand treat for us parents and I also appreciate the efforts taken by the teachers and staff for including all the children right from nursery to UKG in the show though their roles were limited. Managing such a big group indeed needs lots of patience and effort. Though they had extended practice timings than what was mentioned in the circulars but ultimately it was evident in the Final show "The Carnivals of the World".
I am happy with this institution and look forward to maintaining a good rapport.