Anybody who is related to this school would say its hell on earth.
Ateacher is someone who should be you idol your inspiration and the head of the teachers in any instituition is the principal and she should be the one of your biggest inspirations. A principal always leaves a mark on you well in this case its a bad mark
This school is a school is where teachers have no gurantee if they would be here the next day or will they be fired moreover students arent treated as students with respect but like wild dogs that need to be tamed
The new principal insults the students and is no less than the british she is like a british commander who ostracizes the students and if any one student parent or teacher tries to raise their voice they are asked to leave
This school is a pathetic example of a school. Money is spent by the management on worthless things and good teachers are asked to leave and are replaced by new teachers who dont have any idea what kind of hell they are signing up for the principal/ management cancelled 2 months of physical education for 9th and 10th graders because they didnt come to school the day before the exam
please note that the school hadnt given even a days study leavefor the high school goers thus resulting in a mass of the student body taking leave before the exam
is it wrong the students took leave?
the next day the school told the students that they wouldnt be conducting the exam that day as the students hadnt come the previous day
they didnt conduct it till 10 and most students had started studying for the next exam . at 10 the principal came spoke to the students cancelled their pt periods and dropped a bombshell on them that the exam to be conducted that day would start in the next 5 minutes
is this even allowed?
I would give it a rating of -infinity but sadly that isnt possible