New horizon gurukul is a type of school where the students are treated like animals and the Principal Mrs. Sheela uses very abusive language with them like the gundas use it on streets. They teach children about values but dont follow that themselves. If any parent objects on anything wrong they take revenge from the student and give T.C to that student . So please do not take admission in this hell.
Now coming to the behaviour towards staff Mrs. Sheela, Principal insults teachers anywhere she likes and uses inapppropriate language. Teachers are treated like bonded labourers. If due to emergency the teacher has to leave in mid session they take 3 months salary from them by blackmailing them as they keep all original certificates with them.
This applies for women who gets pregnant in mid session . Not this once the academic session gets over . They force the teachers to sign the resignation forcefully as they have original certificates with them without any warning and they inform this on the last day. And more than 50 percent teachers are forced to sign resignation letter as they want to save money. Principal Sheela is not at all caring about the staff she insults the staff parents and students and school looks like hell for everyone.