Yellow top green cap and green jacket, a bottle 10 gm nett weight, costs Rs.16 (US$0.22)
There are certified medical practitioners in India belonging to diverse medicine, namely Homeopathy, Ayurvedic (Herbal) Unani(Greek) Naturopathy, Allopathy.They practice diverse diagnosis and curative methods. They all are unanimous about IODEX, the convergence of opinion is not of yesterday or day before, it is now 30 years. I have witnessed personally the purveyors of all branches of medicine prescribe IODEX for Muscle pains, Strains and Sprains, Back pains, Joint pains, Waist pains, this useful ointment is in the market since 3 decades.
Even Orthopedic doctors and local bone setters after complicating fractures and broken bones rub the area with IODEX, this was a permanent bottle in the medicine chest of my grandmother, she was a class teacher for (H.S.C) Higher Secondary Certificate, she used to teach English. It is almost 25 years back the name of this certificate was changed by AP S.S.C, so my point in bringing this topic is IODEX has ancient reputation.
Many pain relieving ointments came in the market in this long period, some I remember names like Nebasulf, Diclofenac etc., and yet IODEX is very much in the field and I cant say about others who have disappeared.
The old IODEX was a black or dark green coloured ointment, it was effective and now the improved new formula is leaf green coloured and with greater potench and quicker relief time, this is a ayurvedic proprietary medicine (Herbal) This is the reason it is so effective all these years.
Wintergreen Oil
Nilgiri Oil
Menthol Flowers
Clove Oil
and other oils with ointment base.
Makson India Private Limited
182-183 Annaram Village, Bonthapally
P.O.Box 502313, Medak District, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Registered Office:
003/C-35, Unique Garden, Shanti Park, Mira Road (E) District Thane-401104. Maharashtra.
I have used IODEX and seen professional people prescribe it and heard from many people how they got quick and fast relief from pain using it. This is an ideal ointment for deep roted pains in joints and body, this cure is fantastic and fast, care should be taken to avoide contact with eyes and mouth and this is for external use only. This ointment like any other should not be applied to broken skin, it is only used for normal skin for deep rooted pain releif. It is not a small thing that this Ointment is marketed by a well reputed Pharmaceutical company. In India GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals limited market it. If you have any queries please write them to this address :
P.O.BOX 15
I am not aware if there are bigger bottles than the regular 10gm which are available, the trouble with medicine is the expiry dates. We use medicine sparingly and god save us the opportunity to use it, but packing is done with a view of expiry date, could this be the reason for small bottle packing. I am very agreeable to keep 1 bottle in house always, the first aid kit could be the place to keep it, Rs.16 is not very dear to pay for such a big luxuary, it is mostly the cost of a Teacup.
I sleep on my belly, I sleep on one shoulder whole night usually, I am not a tossing and turning kind of a sleeper, what with all the reviews writing, I am shut off around 9 pm every night, my left knee cap is pressed all night to the hard wood I sleep on, sometimes I feel pain in the knee cap, just a little IODEX RUB I am jogging and running within 5 minutes flat.
Atheletes, Sportpersons, Gymnasts swear by the healing powers of IODEX, I used to go to Judo classes, there was Gymnastics section just beside our section, many times I saw coach and trainer of Gymnastics handing out IODEX bottles to their warnds. Gymnastics is such a muscle intensive training, you wont believe it until you try it yourself. Miss one day training your body turns WOOD. This is one sport very very tough on a persons body. Just training the muscles for one stand requires more than 6 months. If IODEX is good for gymnasts, it is definately good for me.
Yo IODEX keep growing those wonderful trees and herbs !!!