Shopping now a days means going to one of these malls, and buying all that you need from under the same roof, and that too, an air-conditioned one at that. Yes, its more convenient, more comfortable, and much more hip-hop probably. I have fun visiting malls. Only yesterday I went to one of the recently inaugrated mall of Kolkata. But, for me, new market is new market. And will always be.
Last week I happened to be there, and that too quite accidentally. Wow! man, it brought some fond memories back. During my school days, going to new market was an accassion in itself. My father would declare, "I will take you to new market this Saturday, if you behave well throughout the week!" The carrot would get hanged and how well I would behave myself only to go to the new market. And then the magical day would come.
A taxi ride was a luxury those days. And you felt proud and rich if you commuted in a taxi. So on that special Sunday I shall hop into a taxi with my father and go to the New Market - THE DESTINATION. May be, all I would get to buy, would be a pencil box, or some stationery, or if I was lucky, a couple of story books - but whatever it is the trip through the Hogg Market was magical. That charm - somehow I miss in in the malls, I doubt if my daughter is same way excited when I take her to the malls, like I used to be when my father used to take me to the New Market? I have my doubts.
And then after our shopping, we would go to that famous pastry shop to buy pastries - such delicacies they savoured! If fortunate we also ended up having friedrice in KARCO, but not always. I had to bargain a lot and promise a lot more better behaviors following weeks to win a meal at KARCO.
Those were the days. Those shops selling so many things I knew I could never buy, but yet gazing at the stuffs while strolling by, gave me so much of happiness. Now I go to a mall, buy all that I want to. but am I happy? If the two happiness is to be compared, I know, the new market window shoping will score ahead of anything else.
The charm, the magic, the attraction of New Market - not quite sure if its the same with this generation as well. I for that matter hardly visit the new market now a days. But the charm remains - its very very nistalgic to pass by the new market, even now.