Finally!The most awaited movie sequel of the entire year!This time around, Bellas let go by Edward only to find that theres someone or something else waiting to make a way into her empty heart.
Its Bella Swans(Kristen Stewart) birthday & shes not all that thrilled about it.Costantly being reminded to herself that her vamipre soulmate isnt going to age a day while shes going to die & wither away, is not really easy on a teenage girl.Meanwhile, the aforementioned dead-guy-come-to-life, Edward Cullen(Robert Pattison) is charmed at his girlfriends annoyance over the matter.Things begin getting serious when Bella requests him to transform her.Being the thorough vampire-gentleman he is, he refuses to adhere to her wishes.His sister, Alice(Ashley Greene) arranges a party inspite of Bellas efforts to avoid being the center of attention, at the Cullenss house.His family load her with presents & best wishes.While opening up one of her gifts, a simple paper cut is brought about on her finger which is pretty okay if she wasnt in a household filled with bloodsucking creatures of the night!Despite being a well-rounded family with exclusive vampire ethics, Edwards brother, Jasper(Jackson Rathbone) goes wild at the bloods scent & prepares himself to attack her only to be thrown away by Edward himself.Offering the scene as a testament to Bellas safety, Edwards mood turns sour & gloomy.The only good Bella experiences during the whole day turns out to be Edwards kiss & Jacobs(Taylor Lautner) greetings.Edward soon breaks his message onto Bella that his family & himself are leaving Forkes since he no longer wishes to bring her any sort of danger brought about by his kind.As if in a daze, she watches her love leave & immediately enters the world of chronic depression.The only way Edwards image pops into her mind is when she manages to commit a reckless & gutsy act.Worried about her recurring nightmares, Charlie(Billy Burke) aka Bellas father gets strict by asking her to toughen up or else to leave the town forever to Florida.Not wanting to forego the place where she fell in love with the man of her dreams, she manages to keep a happy face by spending time with her friends.She strikes up a bond with Jacob & soon shes having the time of her life & learns to let her guard down.Jacob also surprisingly holds a deep dark secret & sinewy muscles that Bella just cant ignore.Edward who?
I havent read the Twilight Saga, hence my comments are based upon the film alone.The story captures the viewers imagination easily since its aided well by excellent cinematography.Forkess picturisation suits the grim nature of this movie genre.Kristen Stewart & Taylor Lautner steal the scenes, while Robert Pattison reprises his famed role as a vampire with enough finesse & perfection to make girls swoon.Kristen & Robert sizzle the screen as a pair, when Taylor manages to do the very same thing on his own.Watch out for Dakota Fanning!The action scenes arent boring with the best one comprising the birthday situation with Edward, Bella & Jasper.On the down side, some of the moments seem to drag on a bit longer than one can endure.All in all though, worth your money.
Final grade-A+, this needs to be reserved for a girls night out, or if you want to give your girlfriend/wife a fun time
P.S.-Yes, Im a Jacob fan.Please dont kill me!