I have been using this NewsDog application for more than 30 days. And I couldnt earn any money from this application. They only gives 15 points for one news. And to get to 1 indian rupee , we have to make it to 250points.
You Read it right.
1 rupee = 250 points.
Calculate the amount of news you need to write to get one rupee. It is an annoying thing. Only we loose our time and we cannot make any money through this application.
And the next step to earn money is by refferels,
For every referrals NewsDog will give 14 rupees.And there is also a twist.,
Only 4 rupee will get to you when your friend installing the application.And remaining amount will credit only if he read atleast one news from the NewsDog Application. If that happens then you will get 2 rupees per day.
I messed up with this application and I quit.
There for it is a time consuming work and I am not sure that you are going to made success in that. If you are passionate about this , then give it a try.
I will not recommend NewsDog application to anyone.Because it consumes more time and we are not getting money with respect to the working time.