Fake promises, lead astray to wannabe graduates, who have the abilities but time & fate arent favoring, then comes institutes like Nex-G Exuberant Solutions situated in Noida, who fill their pockets with the money coming from a source in desperate need to start their career. Here is some internal help for others who want to know the reality of this institute. Im sure there will be many others, but I can only talk about this particular one because I feel like Im being conned by their business.
Personally, when I was going through bad phase, I could not find any negative reviews or can say, any reviews about this company who literally give 100% guarantee for placement in Mobile Development domain, yes 100% placement guarantee, not 100% assistance which others promise, so opted in and realized only after a day after joining that it was one of the biggest mistakes of my life.
In any case, 100% Placement guarantee is fair enough, at least one will not rely completely on them. Yes, it would be a different case if they had written it on a stamp paper! I have personally seenn number of examples from this institutes who are not placed even after one year of completing the training. The promises are lame and have no existence, you cannot even sit in the demo class because even their faculty one of them who were not be able to find a suitable job and so are working with them. But the strategy from the owner and some other couple of people there, have worked for them, that a lot of students are paying for scrap. You cant even talk further once you do the registration, which is like Rs. 2500 approx and then when you pay, thats it! Youre done! Pay the fees and see how their reaction changes magically.
The kind of standards they have cannot be compared to even a secondary class local school. I dont blame the guys who are preyed, if India is producing over 20 million graduates per year, the competition is huge. But please think hundred times before you choose such bogus institute, who have shown ISO certification(which even a Pan waala can achieve these days) and other awards to just attract you, who hasnt even done a single project which give respect to their Software Solutions unit. And especially dont believe when they show you the successful candidates offer letter, because those people had their efforts, lets put it this way, chances are even lower than 10% to get placed, and that even on your sole basis.
So the choice is yours!
I have not named any of them, but will do to help someone who is going to dive into the deep pit.