This is one of those "besharam" institues which cons innocent students and professionals who in their darkest hours of life get into their stupid promises. The CEO is one of the biggest fakes and his operations manager thinks that she is queen elizabeth. Anytime whatsoever if you wish to contact them, they are unavailable or wud ask you to mail them whatsoever you wanna talk(they actually know how to fight, talking is not something they ever learnt). I am one of those students who got ditched by these people and after months of their idiocy called course content stood nowhere.
I would highly recommend you people who read me to stay away from this institute and I would pray To God that people running this institute be punished with severest of the punishments he has in his powers, after all ruining someones future is no childs play. JOIN THEM AT YOUR OWN RISK!
One interesting thing that you can not skip to take notice to is their so called QUALITY when you enter their premise and try and catch a conversation. You would be greeted by a smiling lady with "tooti-footi english", who would use everything in her bag of tricks to strike a deal with you. These people are so insensitive and evil that even the devil would wonder if he has a competition it is them.
I can go on and on telling abt their evil deeds and unfold before you people every bit of their "fool-o-sophy" and tricks that they play on their prey, one of them is, showing off some pics with negros claiming to be off shore clients and a bunch of awards which they bought out of their pockets which have swelled after conning innocent students.
If the CEO of NexG says someday that I am one of his competitors picking a bone at him, then ask the guy how he managed to buy himself a swanky Ford Endeavour while running an honest small time teaching company with a bunch of jokers. He is all FLUFF, trying to impress the world but is hollow inside. In this era of literate people, I suppose everyone understands what it is to earn money and run an honest business. Today I as a citizen of India, NCR can proudly say that I stood up for my friends and gave them a factual picture of one of the loser companies preying on peoples hard earned money. Spread the word, SAY-NO-TO-NexG!