I was a student of NexG Exuberant and let me tell anyone reading this review to stay away from this Evil Donkey who runs this academy, they like to call it a company which is foolish in itself. The reality is that they know nothing and they train u with nothing. If you ask them how do the constructors execute in case of inheritance, they are clueless. You ask them how to consume a Web Services with simple Android App, they are again clueless. They have no real Web Server which hosts web services leave alone asking them to explain how to construct a web service(middleware) for a simple app which is very much required or shud I say, an App cant access the internet without a web service.
They have no course material, nothing at all, refer to no books, have no stability. Some tiny pompous chaps sit their on their rears and try to show themselves as some big time chipmunks with their poker faces. You ask them how does the code work and they guide you to google. If you wanna learn ur android app dev through google then why did u pay this donkey sitting in nexg. Sometimes I wonder dont they have kid of their own or do they think that they wud go unpunished for ruining careers of students. You can even buy a fake experience from them which they offer for a steep price. Someone ask them that which company wud accept their reference when they are nothing but a placement agency with almost zero past record. No apps on the android or iphone markets. No commercial presence. No MNC is stupid enough to let such idiots run an RPO on their behalf and even if they operate independently, they are not worth believing into.
One can see their recruitment 0-3 in naukri.com in all kinds of job profiles permanently. they are a fake job consultancy which rips u off by selling courses if they cant rip u off by offering fake experience or a fake job offer.
They show u a file full of offer letters which is such a funny thing as they say that they have been operating for last 10 years but no one in the world knows about them. I got lured by their website and lost a lot of money in their android app dev course.
After completing the course when you go in for an interview, the employer wud laugh his rear off when u wud answer them with what u were taught. They wud say which idiot taught u and that and that u have junk OOPS concepts, go learn them all, Android APIs is the farthest dream. I had such an experience and then I learnt from some other real developer and then got a a little understanding as to how this java thing happens followed by android. Spent a fortune to learn, much of which was eaten off by the evil donkey.
You dont ask questions in NexG or they wud nail ur rear on the wall. They say u learn when u struggle but they dont teach u the basics and when u ask, u r doomed. No way u shud even think about NexG.