NexG Exuberant has cleared and accepted its shallow character by accepting an award given to it by a US company that in itself is not even capable of paying its bills. It clearly brings NexG into focus as to why and how is NexG being awarded when the awarding company is so hard pressed with funds. It truly raises eyebrows and makes one think that, "is it actually merit?" or is something being played out in the background. Whatever it may be but one thing is for sure that it is questionable but endorsed by NexG.
This can even be seen by many as a Marketing trick being played by NexG to influence its future customers presisely young students trying to enter the industry. Many in the past reviews had posted that NexG uses similar tactics to influence students when in reality it doesnt have capability and talent to teach and train the young generation. It has only been duping people and disposing them off midway through the course using various tactics.
NOW NexG has turned into YesterG.
It is a high time and after silently accepting the very fact by NexG through this questionable award. Anyone and Everyone should be doubly sure before getting into business with such an institute as it can not be a healthy proposition.
BELOW ARE THE LINKS THAT SHOW AS TO WHY AND HOW THE AWARDS ARE GIVEN A Europe Top 100 Company Finalist has posted in the internet that RedHerring would ask for an entry fee of 2500Euros and small time advertisements in their magazines. Therefore RedHerrings awards are not relevant in any sense.
Links Posted By Various Members about the reality of the company which awarded NexG: Below are a few links to the truth about NexG Exuberant’s Award by RedHerring:(contributed by other members)
The truth of RedHerring as covered by FORBES MAGAZINE. This is an almost bankrupt company. Getting an award from such people is questionable in itself.
Kindly check out the magazine awarding Nex-G Exuberant Solutions. You wont need much explanation after checking out that the mag is having even paying its bills and even reached the verge of bankruptcy and has cancelled events due to lack of funds is being treated as a bigtime win.
RedHerring was evicted from office by Sheriff’’s deputies in Belmont EVEN HAS A VIDEO OF THE CEO: About RedHerring