Newly launched smartphone by robin is nextbit robin. it is only available on flipkart only. the great thing of the this is cloud storage .yes the cloud storage is 100 GB in this so your all cloud data will save into cloud storage it will be good benefit to us and another things is its 4k hd screen resolution So intertainment is too good.
The size of this robin device also big and it available in two colours - mint and night . the things which I really like in this robin device is that gaming experiance on this device good and camer of thi nexybit robinn is also great .the front and back camera is preety sharpe and nice.
So these are are the things which I really like in this nextbit robin device and another things is that it comes wiith new android update marshmello . the price of the nextbit robin good with his features and matche to his performance is Rs 19, 999 only on