You thought why I am uses the proverb "fell from the sky, got stuck in date palm", this is because before using NEXTRA broadband, I am continuing with a local internet service provider which doesnt have good speed and connection then I decided to use NEXTRA broadband. Many of my friends told me not to do so but I didnt listen to them and got a new connection of NEXTRA broadband but after two days I understand we should always take and respect opinion of others.
Internet speed:- Speed is really worse, it always fluctuates.Speed is never constant.I have 25 Mbps of worth RS 999 but I always get speed of 10-15 mbps.
Connection Reliability:- Connection is more worse than its Internet speed.The connection is always limited.The problem really gone double worse when weather changes.
Service and Support:- One thing I like about NEXTRA is their service and support whenever I call them they always come and resolve connection problem.
But I need high internet speed not a service and support, i uses internet service of NEXTRA for only one weeks.
I never recommended NEXTRA broadband.