Whoever came up with the notion that a news channel had to talk about only negative news ... well made his point loud and clear.
Any news channel you flip through any time of the day there are either people dying or getting shot. There is rarely anything pleasant to watch on the news channel.
Given the exception of Night Out on NDTV. A monday to friday half an hour show that brings to you news from the entertainment world. The parties, the premieres, the party people and all that. Entertainment news is also news.
The show is hosted live from a party or an event with the anchor doing interviews on the spot and then cutting into other stories from the world over.
The show talks about Bollywood films as well as Hollywood films. Of whats in and whats out. Of whos hot and whos not.
To most people this would seem like a perfect waste of time watching other people party, have fun and be talked about. But to some they matter. And just like one likes to read magazines or the newspaper - watching it live is double the fun.
The anchor Aneesha Baig (who even came up with the idea for the show) is the perfect host for the show. She is articulate, has a presence of mind and knows the people she interacts with.
The audio is a little unclear especially when the show is being hosted from a party or a discotheque but those are circumstances beyond the channels control.
The show is a huge success and hence the channel decided to start a similar one in Hindi on NDTV India. But my review for that one well lets just say wouldnt be the same.