Dear All,
I have been associated with this institute for over 3 years some time back and what I could gauge out is that what they r providing is just 10% of everything..could b anything..say from MS-Office package or b it Software development or Networking basics...all r fed on to the students who actually arent aware of what is the best for them and end up mugging up everything, leaving little to learn..
My advice to those thinking of joining it..Beware of the counsellers sitting in the Front office as, if they had any knowledge of the courses they r providing, they wont b sitting there in first place...
and think and research upon the computer line u wanna move it really development or n/w, and then select forom the available choices with the best combination of the courses available...
The Best option is to go for a professional course, since even the GNIITians land up much behind a BTech or a MCA....