Whatever argument I put up would be from my point of view....the result being that u would start looking at the problem my way.it is to this effect that, I think, it would be best to let u decide whos right and whos not.
the best way to do this, in my opinion, would be to present the case as it is to ur bidding, and then u would be in a better position to understand the situation.
as far as I can think(i usually dont think), it is best to present my side, and theirs...in the exact dialogue that took place between us , thus leaving u to arrive at ur own opinion.
here goes....
(DAY 1-(friday)--joined up niit advanced linux course , did not aishwaryasingh23 fees but paid advanced of 500/--
scenario: a girl encroaches behind me...gets the chair beside me.sits down. I act as if I never saw her. suddenly she speaks!)
gal: let us start up with creating users.
me(baffled): uh...ok.
(enters another guy....wants gal to attend phone call from some parent.)
guy: madam...there is a call from ankits dad.
gal(looks at guy, then looks at me): can u excuse me for a minute?
me: hmm.
(gal gets out following guy....me starts playing some stupid game on the monochrome 586)
(an hour passes....she comes back!)
gal: I m extremely sorry.
me : hmm.
gal :so where were we?
me: (gnibbles!!!)
gal: ya...we were creating users.
(another guy comes in.wants to know why the net was not working)
gal: excuse me.
me: (what the f!@# expression on the face) hmm.
another hour passes..sadly I doze off . then wake up with a startle.some gals in the room giggle...their class is going on)
gal not arrived yet...what time is it?damn 7.30! I came at 5.
door opens...gal enters.
gal: mebbe we can take the class tomorrow.actually its the last day for test taking.mebbe tomorrow we wont be this busy.
me: hmm ...mebbe.
( I leave with sweat all over...its so warm and muggy in there., i think.it seems as if the ac is trying to take up all the air available in the room ...some sort of gas chamber?)
DAY 2:(next friday)
(scenario: I have waited for half an hour already.there seems to be a problem in the 586 linux server.no wonder.)
enters gal....speaks!
gal: ill take up a theory lecture today.
me: okaayy.
(gal speaks non stop for 26 pages. first three chapters r over. I ask some doubts in between. she doesnt want to stop. goes on.some other gals in room giggle again. I m the only student.)
enters guy. wants to know why the net isnt working.
gal wants me to stay.
gal: excuse me.
me: excuse me..i have to leave early today.
gal: (what a relief expression on face) oh no. okay.
me: (doesnt know what to do)
guy leaves...she leaves ..i leave. other gals laugh.
DAY 3:(next friday)
the chaukidaar stops me at the gate.
chauki: aap ko kya chahiye shaab.
me: class
chauki: (doesnt seem to understand):please sit down
me: where
chauki : lakdi pur
(i start reading the jan issue of business today.then realise its 2002.still read on)
(enters gal, , , wants to know y I am sitting there.speaks!)
gal: come into the class.
me: ya
gal: today ..actually there is a seminar today on itanium processors.
me: do I need to attend?
gal: no, u can practice.
(seminar is held ...in the same room I practice. the 586 occasionally gives out little beeps and growls...other gals r disturbed. look at me with the f!@# expression. I leave it there and start listening)
half an hour passes.
i look at her with knowledge-hungry eyes.gal tries to concentrate.
hour passes.
seminar over. class starts.gal looks at me . speaks!
gal: ok.let us start with ...
(guy enters ...deja vu.)
gal: excuse me.
me: (looks at her? then play gnibbles. the game is so exciting I think.)
hour passes. no one enters.i try to leave.stopped by chauki. enters gal.
gal: I m extremely sorry...but can u come tomorrow at 4.00? we can cover up that way. actually I ve been waiting for another student. he wont be coming.
DAY 4:(next day saturday)
linux server being repaired..gal takes active part.tells me to wait on lakdi.
i pick up another issue of business today.hey! its new... dec 2002.!
hour passes. me enter room.chauki tries to stop. I ignore him. gal tells me to wait.i want to play gnibbles.but the mouse is so bad..it moves only vertically.cannot be replaced because it has different pin structure
me: what is the problem?
gal: we r installing a new floppy disk drive!
me: yesss!
gal:(looks at me)wait.
me sit down at other comp. at 5.00, gal and the other gals wants me to sit at the server.
gal: okay.let us mount the floppy by using the mount command.
me: what is mount
gal : I already taught it to u earlier....u know na, u hav to create a mount for everything tht u attach to linux. the mount is in the dev directory na..
me: yayaya! (shats)
gal tries to mount.fails.tries again.fails.resets the pc.it takes an eternity.then tries to mount with the same command.fails.
gal: let us try the other command that is tar
gal tries to tar. fails.tries again from gnome. fails again.
(enters guy...wants gal to attend a phone call.)
gal:excuse me...but u try to use the commands while I come back.
i try to read the notes. then use help file.then try to mount .fail and the machine hangs. I reboot. hour passes. I get up.
(enters gal)
gal:i m sorry. sit down.
me: my time is getting wasted
gal: sorry ...but I m not doing time pass with u. I really understand.
(i sit down)
me: nothing is working mam.
gal tries to mount.fails.tries to tar.fails.clears screen.tries to extract with tar.fails.refers help pages. then tries to tar again. fails . reboots for no apparent reason.
i look at her. other gals giggle.
me: I hav to leave .its 6.45 already.
gal: ok. please talk to the admin.
me: why
gal: in case u hav a problem.
me: hmm.
gal: can u come on tuesday?
me:i ll try.
(i leave seeing her mount with the same command again.)
there r several things I want u to take note of.
1) the linux comp is 586. others r p2’s
2) there r only two classes.one is the machine room where people play games. The other room is where the classes r held.on many occasions ther r two classes going on simultaneously. I had the opportunity to learn parts of sql and windows when my classes were going on.
3) The ac does’nt work. On the 4.00 pm class, , I felt as if I was in hell.
4) The teacher knows everything.but she can’t explain it to a dumb student like me..
5) If ever u do an enquiry at nerul niit, , , be ready for a delegate who will visit u at ur home asking u the reason y u did’nt join up.
It is up to u to decide whether to join or not. And by the way…I hav not received a certificate from niit vashi for a modular course in sql that I wasted time on. It has been a year since I completed it. It is on the way for printing, she says.