When you join them they promise you so many things and when you pay them the fees they throw away all your promises in the dust-bin. Before you have joined them they keep on their smiling face to attract you but they actually make a fool out of you.
They promise you 100% job guarantee and by the time you end up doing the course they send you to the so called call centre where you won’t be able to master your skills what you have studied there. Very few students get a chance to do a job on what they have studied.
Interviews are conducted but apart from 2-4 people most of others are rejected saying you need to work hard and better luck next time. I just don’t understand why do these people charge fees and give away laptop and take full assurance of job and various other promises. It is better I would have gone to Jetking. Two of my friends did a small course from their and now they are doing a better job, at least better then what I am doing.
Hope I get a good job in a reputed company and soon get settled in my life.