I would like to share my worst experience with NIIT centre in West Tambaram. When I contacted them for java and .net courses they told me that they would start the course for new batch with in 1 week time and also promised me that they will be flexible in conducting the classes as per the needs of the students.
Believing this I paid the fee and from then on it was the most frustating and disgusting experience of my life.They wont conduct the classes in scheduled time. The one who handles the classes will not explain about the concept in detail. He will not even bother to give suitable examples.
They will just run through the slides.
*Even a 10th standard student who is good in english can do the teaching there.
*There was not even 1% commitment from the faculty and authorities of NIIT West Tambaram centre towards the students.
Guys **please please please do not join this fraud institution and waste the hard earned money of your parents.
They treat you shabbily **once you have paid your fee.
Do not join this fake institution just because u r friend joins some course.
*Right from office clerk, cashier to the centre head all the guys are white collared frauds there.
*They speak to you in a well versed english to make you believe that they have quality to teach the students.
But once you have paid your fee all the things changes dramatically.
They will make you feel irritated and often you will be left wondering **"why the hell I joined his farce institute?".
Thats the reality in NIIT centre in West Tambaram**.
I went through all of these experiences and **I dont want any student in th future to undergo such a disrespectful , worst and shameful experience.
*Afterall its the students who are paying the fee and they are least bothered about you.
This centre is certainly not worth for your carrier ambitions and I would advice not to join a course like C itself.
Its because they just dont have good faculty who can teach the students in an efiicient way.
Thats why I tell you please please please do not join this fraud institution and waste the hard earned money of your parents.
It is almost impossible for us to meet the so called centre head or branch manager who heads and oversees all the fraud activities there.
*All these guys are after the money only and after chit funds this is the new way of cheating the people.