Hey gyes today is my review is on nike airmax shoes its a good choice for the people who is sportsmen and a runner in dailylife nike shoes is very comfortable but the prise is little bit high so lets began todays review.
1.Duribility: The product of nike is made with the very high technique thats why the duribility of nike is best then other thats why it is better then other when I wear the shoes I feel lite and comfortable.
2.Comfort: The comfort of the nike shoes is nice one and also the look of nike shoes is best then other and the comfort when I wear the shoes my heart shays to walk jump and feel happy and lite so its a nice shoes.
- Weight of shoes: The weight of the shoes is very lite to wear and very comforrable to walk. The weight of shoes is not lite but very lite so its a good product in all catagory.
4.Range: The range of nike shoes starts from 2 thousand and end in endless you know what I mean and also the average shoes value of nike is 3 thousand its a good shoes.
So friends its my review if you like hit like and not like comment and last talk I wear inke airman 10 for 4 years and right now its a good working ok thnx.