Nike is one of the top most brand which is running succefully with the good quality through over the whole world. Since my childhood I was listening this name nike so you think how famous this company was . This company makes Shoes, scandals, tshirts, caps e.t.c all were with the good quality anf the price is little high in range do not bother about cost just look about the quality. I want to share my experience about nike. I have brought nike shoes with the price of 2500. It is looking very good and feel very comfortable, I used those shoes for running purpose, while wearing those shoes I feel very comfort and very active to run more . I was using those shoes since from 2 years up to now it is in good condition and looks well. The quality of this company nike is really amazing, I mostly prefer to this nike company products. If you guys do not believe my words what iam telling is truth just try it once. Then you will get to know.