I was planning to get hands on a digicam for quite some time and gone thru reviews on various websites. I wanted to have a future ready camera (=> 5Megapixel). I had freezed up on Canon, Olympus & Nikon as the prefferd models.
Then I came across the 7.1 Megapixel Nikon 7900. This sweet baby looked cute but rigid & sturdy (with metal hosuing) with many basic features required in a digicam.
Apart from that, it is a user friendly, failure warnning when camera jitters, red-eye correction, D-lighting function, GUI interface makes this camera a cameramans delight. Easy to use image editor helps you to edit a picture as per your choise leaving out unwanted background.
This 150g sweety has a 2 LCD display. Another imp feature is its ability to delete multiple photos instead of one at a time. Various scene modes help us to get the best preferred shot.
However it lacks manual control for shutter speed. ALso pre-supplied memory of 13.5Mb that to for a 7.1Mpixel camera is surprising. The LCD screen appears grainy at times. Maybe because its a 7 mp cam.