Ive had this camera for about 4-5 months now and I have only recently found the cool things in it. Now I feel ready to write a review. This is my first digital camera so I dont have much to compare against other than cameras that my friends own.
small. compact. easy to carry around.
zoom is pretty good.
video quality pretty good also.
simple to figure out.
its very slow to recover after taking a flash picture (VERY ANNOYING)and slow to take a picture to begin with. you press the button and wait forever.
eats up batteries as if it were just a snack.
* EXTREMELY SENSITIVE TO MOVEMENT. (if you dont have the steadiest hand in the world, stay away)
The cons kind of overtake the pros. Now I see so many other better cameras out there and for a cheaper price than I paid for it. The most annoying thing is its sensitivity. I literally have to retake pictures 2-3 times in order for it to not be blurry and seriously concentrate on even the slightest movement of my hand.