For the first timers who r shifting from a compact digital or from a semi prof cam this is definitely the best still cam.. it has all the features and come at a very reasonable price. The lens which comes with this cam is of average quality but remember u can always up grade !!! only af-s , af-l series works on this.. still u have a wide range to choose from. The latest from nikon 55-200 af-s vr is a valur for money buy.
After using for almost a year now I have a prob.. sometimes the autofocus is not working, but becomes ok if used for some time.. hopefully it may get corrected if I get it serviced once. Now with d 40x u have a better cam.. definitely I recommend this to all. I found this nikon a better buy than the cannon eos 350/400 d.the image is sharp and this is very easy to use.