Hello guys today lets talk about the nikons D7100 this camera has 24MP CMOS sensor with 51 focus point and 15 crossed type physically the D 7100 is very similar to D 7000 with practically identical size.
And weight if you place both cameras together will need a moment to tell One from the other it shots around 920 pictures on full battery it weights around 765 g which is not too heavy as a professional DSLR its maximum frame rate in DX formatis around 6 to 7 frames per second.
Whats good in this DSLR.Its pretty handy.Its light in weight.And have an amazing Abilities to shoot in dark.Its 51 autofocus points gives you more ease to shoot faster.In video you can shoot full HD at 60 frames per second
The overall experience of using this camera is ultimate once you use this camera you will never go for any other camera the power of capturing images in lowlight conditions gives you more chance to shoot Crystal clear and amazing images which helps you to build your career in photography and video you can easily shoot home-made videos and professional videos with this DSLR without any worry and tension in the variety of lenses with Nikon.