This is my second review for mouthshuts... Im just going to share my experience had with Nikon FM10. Im a photographer by hobby and sometimes worked as a pro also.
I analysed so many cameras before going for nikon but at last nikon standed out overall for my search. I had a confusion in taking a manual or automatic but not now.
All I suggest is if you are good in photography or learner or going to take as a profession then no way you have to take a manual camera. And in manual nikon fm10 is the best for the beginners.
You can do wonders with a manual camera unlike automatic. Today we are in digital world, everyone go for digital SLR. But there is always a passion in experiencing with film cameras.
The output, handling, performance with nikon fm10 is great. People who are learning photography or proffesional in this field would know better about Nikon fm10. Nothing more to tell.
If you are just going to buy a camera for a personal use, I would recommend dont go for SLR. Go for any digital camera. It will help you in all-terrains. Rest of others, I love to say my Nikon fm10 is best of the best.
I bought this 2.5 years back for 12, 800 INR including Vivitar flash.
Manual Vs Automatic:
Till now ive taken thousands of photos with no complaints. Manual camera is always unique performer. A manual camera user can do wonders with any camera but an automatic camera person will stuck with manual cameras.
You can change a bright day to a dull light with manual cameras.
Flash and Battery:
Since it is manual camera you have to buy a separate flash and if needed (for beginners) it require 2 LR44 batteries for exposure metering.
Overall this camera is good survivor forever.
Taken withNikon FM10:
To see some sample photos taken with nikon fm10, please visit this link:
Thanks for reading.