Ive been using this camera since last 10 years and it has never failed, not even once! It has given me thousands of crystal clear sharp images.After a lot of research I had decided to go for this Camera. Before this I had owned Pentax K1000 and Yashica Electro-35 cameras. My main attraction for this camera was its top flash sync speed which is 1/250. There are very few cameras offering such high speed flash sync speed. To compare, Pentax k1000 has a top sync speed of 1/60 only!
So, with this low speed, if one takes a typical shot of an Indian marriage ceremony of putting the "mala", the photo might show a shaken hand as 1/60 may not freeze the movement, on the contrary, 1/250 would guarantee a perfectly frozen flash photo!However, high sync speed is not the only important feature of this beautiful camera, following are the rest: Built like a tank: Its all aluminium body, so even if you bang it (accidentally!) nothing happens to it! It serves for life! Ive even used it in below zero temps.
Light weight: Its only 540 grams despite the fact this gem has hundreds of features! Very easy to carry!
All Mechanical: Only the metering needs batteries, and it works even without batteries provided you know what should be the approx shutter speed and aperture! Easy metering: Metering is very easy. There are three LEDs visible thru the viewfinder, namely "0", "+" and "-". If its showing only "0" means exposure is perfect, only "+" means its over exposure by one or more stops (picture would be too bright), only "-" means underexposure by one or more stops (picture would be too dark)."0" and "+" means over by half stop, "0" and "-" means under by half stop, in both cases picture should be ok as its just a half stop difference!
So, its really easy to decide the exposure, just see thru the viewfinder and keep changing either aperture or shutter speed till it starts showing "0"! Easy isnt it?It has a center-weighted 60/40 meter having a small circle in the viewfinder which gets 60% weightage for deciding the exposure and the reminder is given 40%. The meter turns off automatically when not used for some time.Flash: Has a shoe mount for flash, plus a x term This terminal lets you use a flash away from camera via a sync cable.
DOF preview button: Has a DOF preview button which lets you see what will be in focus and what will not be.
Great ISO support: Supports films ranging from ISO 12 to ISO 6400, read again ISO twelve to six thousand four hundred! You might want to check what is the ISO offered by todays Digital cameras! Shutter Release: Shutter release button accepts threaded cable to let you fire camera using a cable! Half way pressing the button activates the exposure meter. Supports speeds from B, 1 thru 1/4000 seconds!
Other misc features: Self timer Multiple exposure feature Frame counter display The chosen shutter speed and aperture is visible thru the viewfinder, one does not have to look at the lens or camera!The back has a slot which accepts a label which one can use to store the Film ISI speed portion cut from the film box, useful if one accidentally changes the ISO speed and forgets what the film is inside!Supports various changeable focusing screen to suite your requirements like simple split image, plain matt finish, grid etc.
Lens compatibility: Nikon never changed its mount. So, this camera can practically accept ANY Nikon lens compatible with Nikon F mount. Not just Nikon, there are many other supported brands as well like Tamron etc. This is the strongest point for going for this camera as can use any lens, however old it is or be it an AF lens! Motor Drive: Optional accessory MD-12 motor drive for automatic winding, high speed firing up to three frames per second, further accepts ML-2/3 remote control set to fire cameras remotely!
Cons: Nothing really.Wish it supports any light and compact motor drive. The MD-12 is too big and bulky as it needs 8 AA cells, further the noise generated for each click with MD-12 is like firing a bullet, too noisy!! It lacks a true Mirror Lockup feature useful for macro photography. Although one can achieve this via the self timer!Summary: If you want an easy to operate, life long lasting 35mm manual focus camera, then this is the leader.
If want to learn photography, there can not be any better camera than this, has all the features one would want.Cost: A brand new conditioned would cost around Rs. 23, 000. Used one in excellent conditions are available in the range of Rs. 10, 000 to 15, 000. You might think its costly, but its worth every paisa for its price!See the beautiful photos taken with this camera at https://BirdsofEarth.comHappy Shooting