Tried the latest product from 7up - Nimbooz which claims to be the refreshing Nimbu Paani with asli lemon juice which is weird because Nimbu Panni and Lemon juice are one and the same thing.
I gave 10 Rs. note to the vendor thinking this must be maximum 8 Rs. To my surprise he asked for 5 rs. more. 15 rs. for fresh nimbu paani which we make at home in 2 mins with almost negligible cost. Anyway I took the drink and vowed to never buy it again.
The manufacturing cost for that could not have been more than 4 rs. And they are selling it at 15 rs. That’s a lot of profit. Better to prepare some lemon water from your home and take it with you to office and use it. Better to buy from some road side vendor who prepares fresh than to give to some MNC.