I love this show very much. Abhimanyu is too smart and his act is also very good. Vakeel babu looks like a Shakuni Mama and the mother of Babbu Bhaiyan looks like a ordinary person. This role is not good for this type of act. She is so thin and playing a role of agrresive person. This does not a match with her personality. Sometimes I feel over acting by Nimkis sister. So it is not good for any show. But Story is very good. Its a great answer to those persons who think that scedule cast are bad. They have not any type of capibilties. Nimki played a very amazing role in it. Act has demand of softness with thrill and action. This was only possible by a comedian seen. So please watch this program. I am dam sure after 2 or 3 episodes. you will be a fan of it.