This one goes especially to all game freaks out there. If you have loved car racing, you will LOVE Wii. It provides not only the fun of gaming but also the feel of physical gaming. Imagine being actaully able to hit a backhand or forehand in the game of tennis! Wii pronounced we is a video game console released by Nintendo. Video game consoles are small boxes that you can attach to your TV/PC and play. Their modus operandi is simialr to the video/TV games machines we grew up on, just the graphics and level of gaming is much better. As we all know that gaming is a multi billion dollar industy and Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo are slugging it out. Nintendos Wii is in direct competition with Sonys PlayStation(PS) and Microsofts XBox.
Wii scores over both of them as its controls are wireless as well as the physical movement required. The unique motion sensitive controllers make the game as real as can be. The trajectory of the ball actually follows the movement of your hand, you need to pull the fish out of water. Wii has a wide selection of games to offer from tennis, boxing, golf, fishing, racing etc etc etc. Wii sports that comes bundled has a good selection of games. Strategy games, though fewer do exist. All the games that ran on Nintendos previous consoles like GameCube can be run on Wii as well. The format is more suited to games involving some physical movement. Nintendo released the console in 2006 and has remained the industry leader ever since. Even now demand outpaces supply. While Sony and Microsoft work on providing faster, cutting edge stuff to gamers, Nintendo was thinking of how many more people it could get to play.
The interface is simple and follows the format of a TV channel. Wii enables parental control by allowing password protection for some games. You can play them only if you have the password. It allows you to go onine for updates, games etc but we found it a bit complicated setup,
They focussed on Wii as a platform for being with family and friends. Even my three year old nephew plays like a pro. Wii is small and light. It is roughly three DVD cases stacked together and weighs a littel more than a kilo. It comes with two remotes. You have to buy Nunchuk separately and they are useful for boxing etc. The only thing fellow gamers will find lacking in Wii would be its graphics. They are good but cant compare with either Playstation or XBox. But then again what good are graphics if the games are bad? So if you can afford it(around$350) then go for it!
PS some techie stuff:
ports are located at the back. An SD card slot hides behind the cover
on the front of the console. The SD card can be used for uploading
photos as well as backing up saved game data and downloaded Virtual Console games. However the SD card needs updates to be able to save games which can be found online or from CDs. An SD card can also be used to create customized in-game music from stored MP3 files Nintendo plans to release a version of the console with DVD-Video playback capabilities.