The year was 1994. There was a small band(not because of their following but because of its number of members). Its Lead singer had committed suicide addressing his suicide note to Buddha(Boddha is the way he calls it). The fact was that Kurt Cobain at that time didnt realize that he was more popular than buddha himself. Giving his excuse for suicide as not being able to feel the music he makes, the crazy but inventive genius took a rifle and shot himself. Some may think that his wife killed him but thats a different issue.
Nirvana had to disband with its drummer going o the Foo Fighters and its bassist going to form his own Grunge superband. The greatest band on earth no longer existed. The death of their lead singer and lead guitarist was just a bit too much for them.
Nirvana was formed by Kurt Cobain and Krist Nosoloveic(I think I messed up the spellings). They were later joined by the drummer Dave Grohl. At the beginning stages they were like any other band; playing in the basement and making local crowds enjoy themselves. But it was after the song Smells Like Teen Spirit that they attained immense popularity. Heres a review of some of their songs:
Smells Like Teen Spirit:
Probably the greatest song ever performed by Nirvana. The basic theme of the song itself is amazing(although no one knows what it is). The lyrics as usual dont make much sense but yes it has been compensated by a godly voice and a brilliant guitar. The solo is not all that amazing but the way the song starts really thrills everyone. The way Kurt sings:Hello, Hello, Hello, How Low is unthinkable.
In Bloom:
A really crazy song. The Lyrics go like this:
Sell ur kids for food
Weather changes Moods...
Really the work of a genius. The solo is just breathtaking(extremely amplified). The drumming is just Pro and it is heard prominently during guitar gaps. Kurt addresses the song to his fan who keeps listening to Nirvana although he is not quite able to understand the https://lyrics. The starting is just brilliant with a huge bang on the drums and brilliant use of pedals.
Heart Shaped Box:
This song probably has the craziest lyrics in the world. It goes like this: She has me like a pisces when I am Weak
Ive been locked inside ur heartshaped box for weeks...
The worst part is when he says:
I wish I cud eat ur cancer when u turn black(!!!!!???!?!)
But as usual the god has made up for the lyrics with brilliant guitaring and pro singing.
Well, there are many more songs like Come As You Are, Lithium, Rape Me and The man who sold the world. It will probably take me another 80000 words to write about them coz they are just pro.