Nishabd is perhaps one of the most controversial and frowned upon films produced in Bollywood. People all around India blamed and criticised it for showing something that was totally unacceptable, intolerable and non-conforming to the traditions in our society. Perverse thinking, they claimed. But, according to me, it is also one of the most under-rated masterpieces ever produced in Bollywood. And I think I know why Nishabd didnt work with the audience.
Nishabd is like a mirror. It reveals the dark side that every one of us have. It looks at the aspects of our life that we so secretly guard and protect from being seen by the world. It tells us something about us that we dont want to acknowledge, because its taboo. We live in a closed society, where any deviation from the norm is unacceptable. But the truth is that "Change is the only constant". In that respect, Nishabd opens the closet and reveals it in detail. In that respect, Nishabd a daring film and one must applaud Ram Gopal Varma for choosing this subject. Its not perverse thinking. Its a game played in and by the mind, and Nishabd proves it beyond doubt.
Anyone who has ever thought unconventionally, questioned the rules and traditions, whether at work, at home, in personal or professional relationships, will relate completely with the film. They will acknowledge and appreciate the emotional turmoils that the main protagonists go through, because, the characters are real, the emotions are real, and the agony is very very real. This is as close to real life as it can get. And its impact is far greater than any candy-floss romance can ever have.
Nishabd is not a very demanding film. It justifies every emotion, every situation and every action that takes place in the film, through Amitabhs amazing monologue. It is, however, demanding in another respect. It expects the viewer to acknowledge and accept certain truths, which are very bitter to swallow. It shows very beautifully how the heart starts controlling the mind, and leads to mistakes which break your life into pieces.
Nishabd is a visually breathtaking film. Im sure that there wont be a single person, who has watched it and not exclaimed "Wow!" Amit Roys cinematography is inventive, innovativeand panoramic, capturing the beauty of Munnar like never been before. The camera flies into the sky like a free bird, showing everything that comes in its way.The blue tint works to the films advantage, and the lighting is brilliantly shady, especially during Amitabhs monologue. And Jiah Khan never looked so beautiful ever.
Nishabd is also one of those rare movies where the soundtrack takes centre stage with the visuals and propels the film ahead. This is one film where visuals and music speak a lot louder than words. Nishabd features one of the most extravagant and special musical scores that will ever be made in Bollywood. Its a landmark musical score that will be remembered as one which sets the tone for every scene and tells us whats coming up. Its beauty and impact have to be seen and heard to be believed. We can now proudly claim that in terms of music, we are now on par with Hollywood.
Infact, it wont be wrong if I said that these two factors alone are worth the price of a ticket. Anything extra is a bonus! But I also agree that no film is complete without good story, screenplay, and direction. So where does Nishabd stand in these parameters? Is it all style and no substance?
Thankfully, Nishabd is handled with utmost care, maturity and sensitivity by Ram Gopal Varma. I really feel this was his peak, and he only went downhill from here. The way in which he develops the scenes is remarkable, and makes one shudder with fear about the outcome in the hands of any lesser director. There is no vulgarity in the film, and the "controversial" portions have been handled with utmost restraint. The proof of the pudding lies in the fact that you connect with the characters, and feel for Amitabh, as he goes through internal turmoil and agony. RGV manages to steer clear of cliches and breathes newness into the treatment.
Thanks to the superb direction, characters come alive on the screen. Amitabh gives a bravura performance in a role that is not only difficult to play, but also requires an open mind to understand and enact the feelings of a middle-aged man who falls in love quite late in life. As they say, there is no age for love. Hats off Sir! Only you could have done it so exceedingly well. Thanks to RGV for offering him this role.
Jiah Khan too is excellent as the bubbly young girl who doesnt fear to tread on unfamiliar terrain, and follows her heart wherever she goes. She also oozes attitude and style, which is visible in the way she dresses and behaves.
The story and screenplay are credited to Kusum Punjabi. People say its copied from Lolita, but I beg to disagree. I say its inspired and perfectly customized to reflect Indian society. I dont think the makers feared public outrage if they showed the old man going with the young girl. The fact is that it would make the whole thing look unrelatable and westernized. Hence, full marks to Kusum for tuning it perfectly.
Also, the screenplay is tight, leaving no room for unnecessary scenes. Its a crisp 100 minute film. Hence, full marks again! Thanks also to the editors, who have done a great job.
I think there will still be some who totally disagree with my views. I dont think I am being radical by appreciating Nishabd. I am a lover of quality cinema, and Nishabd qualifies completely on all parameters!